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Learn about Europe
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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New year in Turkey
I´m wishing you a very happy new years...

Christmas in Slovakia
On 6th of December Saint Nicholas is coming to Slovakia and he brings sweets to all good children. Each year he comes also to our school.
Then we remember Crib festival at our school and also we are singing carols.

Christmas in Italy

First and second grade children singing Christmas songs at school

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Christmas activities in Hungary

Christmas fundraising for families in need and goblin making from socks.
Postcard making and Christmas party

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Spanish Christmas
We are really happy because we've just received the Christmas cards of our partners. The best wishes of everyone and the different kinds of cards are now hanging on the wall of our school in the Erasmus + Christmas poster next to our wishes tree.

Kindergarten designed some christmas cards of each country of our Erasmus + project.

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