Learn about Europe
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Slovakia- Hungary
On 16 October 2020 we all - each partner school - celebrated Erasmus Day.
In this ocassion we organized great videoconference with Hungarian team. We talked about our project, pupils showed their posters created about all our activities as the look of pupils at our project.
Dear Hungarian team, thank you for nice experience. We are happy we met you and saw you.
Same here, dear Slovakian friends!

Slovakia - Turkey
22 January 2021
The online meeting with Turkish friends was great. Pupils talked about the project, they introduced themselves, talked about their free time. Turkish boy Merhaba also sang a song composed by Turkish students about our international cooperation and project. It was realy amazing experience. We look forward to the next meeting.
Thank you, Turkish friends.
Slovakian students

Thank you to our Slovak friends for this Zoom meeting.
We planned an online meeting with the Slovak project team at ZOOM. It was great.
Students talked about the project, introduced themselves, told about their free time.
We also made a surprise for Slovak students.
Our students sang a song they composed about our international cooperation and project.
It was a really great experience.
We are also looking forward to the next meeting.
4th class Turkish team..
Slovakia - Italy
2nd February 2021
Again amazing online meeting in ZOOM - now with Italian team - teachers and pupils. We spent great time together getting to know our friends, their school life, results of project.
Thank you much, Italian friends !
Pupils from Slovakia

Videconference Hungary - Slovakia - Turkey
9th February
Again great online meeting - this time Slovakian - Hungarian and Turkish team met online. We talked about our school life in this time, project activities, we got to know each other.
We spent great time together.

Videoconference Slovakia - Spain - Turkey
11th February 2021
Slovakian, Spanish and Turkish team met in virtual mobility in ZOOM videoconference. Students introduced themselves and then we talked about our project and school life.
It was nice to spend time together again.

International meeting - 1st June 2021
Hungary - Italy - Slovakia - Spain - Turkey
Topic - the quiz to the online activity - Beauties of Europe.
Great online meeting via ZOOM.
Each school presented material which pupils created about partnership holiday resorts by the key:
Hungary about Italian Costa Smeralda, Italy about Slovakian Demänovská Dolina, Slovakian about Spanish Costa del Sol, Spain about Pamukkale in Turkey and Turkey about Hungarian Balaton.
Then the quiz which was created by Spanish coordinator Raul on the base from all schools has been done. Interesting and funny. We learnt a lot about European resorts.
Amazing time spent together.
Thank you all.

It was a great experience, thank you! Kisses, the Hungarian team:

Turkish Team; It was a great experience, thanks for all teams.

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