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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Here you can see how we celebrated ERASMUS DAYS 2021 at our schools to remind our project, partner countries, meetings, videoconferences, cooperation.
Erasmus Days 2021 in Slovakian school
We celebrated ERASMUS DAYS 2021 in Slovakian school on 14 - 16 October 2021.
We created short video - greeting to our friends, we have done
a little survay about the relationship of our students to this project.
Let´s have a look and enjoy.
We also created notice boards in entere hall at our school to inform parents and visitors about our project, stay in Hungary, online meetings and activities.

Erasmus Days 2021 in Turkey school
We organized Erasmus Days at our school as the third Project Day In October 2021. We created posters about our project .
Erasmus Days 2021 in SPAIN
We celebrated ERASMUS DAYS 2021 in Spain school on October 2021.
We created short video about the relationship of our students to this project. We made some posters too. We hope you like it.
Erasmus Days 2021 in Hungary
We celebrated it with a big exhibition about folk costume art.

Also the Eramus plus team entered the cockade making competition. For which we received a special prize.
Erasmus Days 2021 in Italy
Italian team created the brochure about Erasmus project for parents and pupils.