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Learn about Europe

Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

Home: Text

We created Project corner - information about our project and all results

at our school.

We wrote article into local newspaper about our stay in Hungary.


Erasmus Days 2020
In Slovakia we organized Erasmus Day on 16 October 2020.
We registered our activity: 

1/ Pupils of Erasmus club at our school created promoting posters for our partners and for videoconference.
2/ They created promoting posters for schoolmates, teachers and community and shared them personally and online on school website and facebook.
3/ Teachers and students created the film about our project, all results and meetings. 
4/ We created the bulletin board at school to inform all students and parents about the progress of our project, all results and activities. 
5/ We wrote articles and published them in local newspaper. 
We pubished all material on project website, school website and facebook of our school.

Here is our videofilm.

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We realized Erasmus Days also in 2020 and 2021.

Articles in local newspapers

We informed local community about our project, all activities and meetings, virtual mobilities in local newspaper.

Here are some links:

Meeting in Hungary - Krásny pobyt u susedov – v Maďarsku – č.1/2020 – str. 4

Erasmus Days. Spolupracujeme s európskymi školami . č. 19/2020 – str.4

International cooperation continue - Medzinárodná spolupráca pokračuje – č.3/2021 – str. 4


The international Day of Children - MDD ozaj medzinárodne – č. 11/2021 s. 4

Erasmus Days 2021  Dni Erasmus 2021 – 21/2021 – str. 4

Virtual mobility in Turkey - č. 1/2022  str.4 – Virtuálny pobyt v Turecku

Virtual mobility in Slovakia – č. 7/2022  str. 4  - Európske tradície ožili

Stay in Italy – č. 12/ 2022 - str.6


Stay in Istanbul  - č. 14/2022 – str.4

Project  Days
Home: Opening Hours

We realized several Project Days to promote our project and to inform pupils, parents and community about the progress and results of our cooperation.  

School  magazines
Home: Contact

We wrote about our project also in school magazines in school year 2019/2020, 2020/2021  and 2021/2022.

©2019 by MCYCerasmusproject. Proudly created with

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