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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Meeting in Italy

Short-Term Exchange of groups of pupils in Italy


Date: 24 - 26 May 2022

Topic: Famous personalities


After long time we met pesonally in Italy.

This meeting lasted from 24 May to 26 May 2022, three days full of various activities connected with the topic "Famous personalities".


1st Day

We started with Welcome programme prepared by Italian school: the speach of headmistress, the Mayor, students, song and dance,

Then lessons folowed. Pupils and teachers took part in different lessons in mixed groups - Literature, reading, history, art, theatre,...

One of them was Literature lesson realized by the plan. All participants took active part in this lesson. We learnt a lot about mythology. The lesson was realized using interesting way comparing the mythology in the past - heroes, gods, with present popular modern heroes such as Superman, Batman , ...



Then each school presented presentations about famous personalities, after each presentation the short quiz followed. This way we checked the interest and knowledge of pupils.  


In the afternoon pupils created 8 international collages to the topic - Famous personalities. Pupils created some paintigs at each school before this meeting.



Then we had the tour to the town, we saw and visited St. Nicholas Basilica in Toentino and the Castello della Rancia near Tolentino. 


2nd Day

Trip to Roma - We saw a lot of sights - St. Peter´s Cathedral, Vaticano city, Fontana di trevi, Coloseum, Spanish square. 


3rd Day

We started the third Day with the talk and video about Toletino and Marche region. 

The presentation about some sights of Italy followed and then Team treasure hunt about Italian art for pupils was realized. 

International quiz about famous people was organized to check new knowledges of pupils.


We visited the Abbadia di Fiastra in the afternoon. 


In the evening the meeting was closed by "Goodbye party".



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