Learn about Europe
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Meeting in Hungary - the exchange of pupils
25 - 29 November 2019
In Hungary we realized pupils exchanges and also teacher´s training events.
The topic of our first exchage of pupils was: Geographical facts
All partnership schools created presentations about geographical facts of own country.The part of these presentations were also the short quizzes. Students learned this way about partnenship countries a lot of details: position in Europe, area, population, flags, capital cities, mountains, rivers, ...
After meeting on-line quiz was created and published in twinspace and website.
All pupils can do this quiz and learn about partner countries.
Each school brought hand-made projects about all partnership countries,
we created international exhibition of these projects and
then children talked about them.
This was very nice activity.
We exchanged these project and each school created international exhibition at own school. All students and parents can admire the artworks of our pupils.
We all took part in Geography lesson realized using innovative teaching methods. Pupils were completing the text about facts of Hungary, they were making some collages about partner countries using internet and maps. It was great international activity.
We learnt some useful words and expresions from Wordbank created before meeting. After meeting we made several games and published them in website and twinspace. This way more students can learn new words and expresions.
We visited the capital city Budapesť and got to know some sights. Children enjoyed the workshop in Miniversum - with English and some information about European cities and stations.
From other interesting activities we can mention-
- the traditional march with lamp
- Local history adventure tour for children
- Hungarian folk dance show, dance teaching, dancing
Programme of the Hungarian Meeting
Day 0, 25.11: Receiving guests
Arrival times:
Turkey: 24.11
Spain: 25.11 15:05
Italy: 25.11 16:05
Slovakia: 25.11
Day 1, 26.11:
7:30 Meeting at Panderosa Guesthouse, travelling to school
8:00 Official reception at school, visiting the school buildings
9:00 Open classes for children:
Cooperative lesson with Annamaria Csiszer
Art lesson with Magdolna Hitter
Language class for small children with Gabriella Anghelyi
9:00 Lessons in Hungarian for teachers:
Interactive learning cubes with Katalin Bordás and Mónika Gerseiné Szabó
Playful Geography- Maths with Gabriella Szijjgyártó
Chess Palace with Erika Ézsiás
10:00 A short walk to the Cultural Home and snack
10:30 Introduction of the Partners, creating an exhibition of the paper projects
11:30 Seminar 1:
Zoltánné Vas, headmistress of the Hungarian school: Motivation in teaching – the Hungarian school system
Gabriella Anghelyi: Summary of the open classes – playful language learning, effectively
Mónika Gerseiné Szabó: ’Happiness’ lesson
during the semminar intoduction games for participating children
13-14:00 Buffet lunch
14:30 Preparation for the traditional march with lamp
17:00 March with lamp
18:30 Trip back to the guesthouse
Day 2, 27.11:
Excursion to the capital of Hungary, Budapest
7:45 Gathering at the Cultural Home and the Guesthouse, then start
Trip to Budapest:
1. Pálvölgyi Stalactite, Szépvölgyi Cave
2. Short sightseeing by coach
3. Lunch in the citiy centre
4. Miniverzum
5. Funicular trip to Buda Castle, walk to the Fisherman’s Bastillon and to Mathias Church
6. Shopping in a shopping centre
around 20:00 back to the guesthouse
Day 3, 28.11:
8:30 meeting at the guesthouse, trip to the cultural home
9:00 Film about Dunavarsány and Hungarian inventors
9:30 Seminar 2:
Sharing experiences about former Erasmus+ projects
Discussion of the Spanish meeting
during the seminar Geographic Adventures programme for children
13:00-14:30 Lunch in a restaurant nearby
15:00-16:00 Local history adventure tour for children ( in case of bad weather in the cultural home)
16:00 Ceremonial distribution of the Certificates
17:00-19:00 Hungarian folk dance show, dance teaching, dancing, dinner: pizza
20:00 Back to the guesthouse
Day 4, 29.11: