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Learn about Europe

Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Meeting in Hungary - Teacher´s events
25 - 29 November 2019

In Hungary we realized pupils exchanges and also teacher´s training events. 

The topic of our first trainning event was: Motivation for eduction

At firts we were talking about educational systems in our countries, we had possibility to know personally the system of education at Hungarian school. 

We took part in some lessons realized with innovative teaching method:
Cooperative lesson of geography - children were completing the text with some geographical facts about Hungary. They were doing some on-line quizzes.
Art lesson - students were painting the island and ship using fantasy.
Vocabulary lesson - pupils were learning some new words using various games.

Brochure about lessons and as the summary of seminars will be created: Teaching methods in European schools.
How can we motivate students to better outputs and results?

Then we organized the seminar for teachers with the topic: Motivation for education
There was the main question: Are international projects motivational for student to achieve better and higher education? 
Schools with some eperiences - Slovakian, Hungarian and Turkish prepared some presentations about their experience. But we were especially talking about the goals of Erasmus+ projects, shared experience with each other, we  discussed all impacts and benefits for teachers, students, schools.

Because eTwinning project is the part of our results we were talking about working in twinspace, because this portal gives more opportunities to more students to be in contact with pupils from partnership countries and to communicate with them. We talked about better communication and all activities especially on-line activities which we will organize there. This workshop was very important because no all partners are so skilled in twinspace.
Turkish team - responsible for eTwinning - gave us some advices how to work in eTwinning.
All material is published on project website and eTwinning.

In teachers meeting we talked about the plan of activities for the first year of our cooperation in detail, we disscused the organization of all activities in detail and prepared also the next meeting in Spain.

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