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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Cooking together - on-line activity 

We exchanged traditional recipes and created traditional cookery book .


We tried to cook some meals according the exchanged recipes. Here are our results.

Cooking Christmas recipes of our partners

We exchanged Christmas recipes on-line - in twinspace and also by mail.




Then we tried to cook some recipes of our partners. 

We cooked the  recipes by the key:

Hungary has done recipes of Turkey,

Turkey of Slovakia,

Slovakia of Spain,

Spain of Italy, 

Italy of Hungary                                        

Slovakian students were cooking Spanish recipes
Stuffed eggs and Christmas cookies.
They were delicious. And we had a great fun doing them. Thank you, Spanish friends, for very good recipes. 
Italian students were cooking Hungarian recipe Poppy seed  pudding
We enjoyed ourselves cooking together! Deliciuous meal!
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Turkish Students Were Making Slovak Recipes​

We made a soup and pastry from Slovak recipes at school. Then we tested it with the students. The soup and pastry was very delicious. Thanks to the Slovakian team.

Sour Cabbage soup

Shortcrust pastry

Spanish cooking:

In our project "my country your country" we cook some recipes of our foreign partner. Older kids cooked at home and they were the monitors of the younger students that cook at school. 

Look at this video

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Hungarian traditional dish
Hungarian traditional eastern dishes

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