Learn about Europe
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Meeting in Turkey
Virtual Short-Term Exchange for groups of pupils in Turkey
Date: 1 - 3 December 2021
Topic: Sigts
Virtual Mobility
Our second meeting was virtual because of epidemic situation Covid 19 in Europe and we relized it by the plan in Turkey with the topic - Sights.
The program was very interesting.
1st Day
Turkish school - principal welcomed all participants. Then we all talked a bit about the situation in each country.
Each school presented the film or presentation about own country sights. Et the end we had online international quiz about the sights of Europen countries.
2nd Day
Online Workshop: We created the poster about all partner countries together. It was about the cooperation of all participants. We were working in Canva portal:
Online collage - Online Artworks of children - Sights in my country
Each country created the collage of all partner countries sights.
Online History lesson
In the international virtual meeting in Turkey we realized History lesson in ZOOM -Architecture in the Ottomans - using various inovative teaching methods .
This way teachers had new experience and we all participants took active part in this lesson. We learnt a lot about sights of Turkey. ​
3rd Day
Online International collage
We were working in mixed inernational groups. Each group had the task to create collage about sights of 1 partner country.
Then we played games, solved the quiz about sights of partner countries.