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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Základná škola s materskou školou Viliama Záborského ( Primary school with nursery of Viliam
Záborský ) is situated in a small town Vráble in the South-West part of Slovakia in Nitra region. Our
website : 

Age range of students is from 3 to 15. There are about 270 students in our school .

The equipment at school is good and we have conditions at school for realizing this type of project.


17 teachers , 1 headmaster and 1 deputy work at our school. At our school we have rich afterschool activities in various clubs.
The teaching methods are in high level, but we are trying to use more modern innovative methods in
educational process of History and foreign languages a this way motivate students to learn with
pleasure and get positive relationship and view to education. Maybe this project give them some
options to get part in some useful activities and improved their knowledge in all subjects especially in
English and foreign languages.



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