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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Meeting in Italy - Teacher´s activities


Dates: 23 - 24 May 2022

Topic: Innovative teaching methods


In Italy we realized pupils exchanges and also teacher´s training events. The topic of our trainning event in Italy was: Innovative teaching methds.

At firts we took part in several lessons realized using CLIL method- Literature, History, Music, Art, Theatre, Reading, French,... The lessons were realized with various innovative methods, a lot of presentations, games, quizzes, but also practical skills.

Then we were talking about educational systems in Italy, we had short tour at Italian school, they showed us Montessori educational methods used at their classes. 

Brochure about lessons and as the summary of seminars is created: Teaching methods in European schools.​ 


Innovative teaching methods       

The question is: Is it important for education at primary schools to involve innovative methods using interactive programs, CLIL in English, and so on.

Our answer was: Yes.

We shared some methods using in teaching of primary subjects, talked about Montessori method, CLIL method.

Each school presented presentation or video about school lessons, activities realized with innovative methods. In discussion we shared experieces.

We also talked about eTwinning program, how we can use this portal for Erasmus projects, for some online activities. Students can use Forum to talk about some topics, to know better each other.

We also evaluated our virtual mobilities, their pros and cons. 

The main advantage is the possibility to involve more students, students had the opportunity to improve in using ICT tools.

Disadvantage is the dependence on the internet and the technician, which can fail. And also less options of organization of international activities.

Although our cooperation was good during the virtual mobilities, we managed to have nice international activities, such as the project anthem, the international program - Traditions of Europe, international collages in Canva, we tried to sing together.


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