Learn about Europe
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Geography lessons
We realized Geography or History lessons and also of other subjects using various innovative teaching methods in each international meeting. This way teachers exchanged experience and we - all participants took active part in each lesson. We learnt a lot about European countries.
Geography lesson in Hungary
We all took part in Geography lesson realized using innovative teaching methods.
At first pupils were completing the text about facts of Hungary, During this activity they had to complete several parts of text according their knowledge and then put the parts in correct order to create text about Hungary.
Then students were doing some quizzes about Hungary.
Pupils with the help of internet and teachers were making some collages about partner countries using internet and maps. It was great international activity.

History lesson in Turkish school
In the international virtual meeting in Turkey we realized History lesson in ZOOM -Architecture in the Ottomans - using various inovative teaching methods .
This way teachers had new experience and we all participants took active part in this lesson. We learnt a lot about sights of Turkey.
Presentation video of the lesson

History lesson in Slovakian school
In the international virtual meeting in Slovakia we realized History lessons in ZOOM - "History of Bratislava - the capital of Slovakia" using various inovative teaching methods. All participants took active part in this lesson. We learnt a lot about the history of one European capital city. We watched the presentation, solved the quiz, played interactive games.

Geography lesson in Spain
In the international virtual meeting in Spain we realized Geography lesson in ZOOM "Spain" using various inovative teaching methods. All participants took active part in this lesson. We learnt a lot about this coutry We watched the presentation, solved the quiz.

Spanish team did a Geography lesson telling the location and different interesting point of their Geography. After the students presentation we watched a video and did an interesting quiz about the lesson.
Here you can watch the ppt of the students of Spain.

Literature lesson in Italy
In the international meeting in Italy participants took part in several lessons in mixed groups. One of them was Literature lesson realized by the plan. All participants took active part in this lesson. We learnt a lot about mythology. The lesson was realized interesting way comparing the mythology in the past - heroes, gods, with present popular modern heroes such as Superman, Batman , ...