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Learn about Europe

Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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Here you can see and solve the international quiz to each topic created together by all partnership schools. We usually played them in the meeting and then at each school.


In the meeting we have done these quizzes at the end of our stay to see impact of the activities on the knowledge of students. 

The quizes were made in Kahoot or Wordwall.  We usually competed, so the students reacted quickly and tried to get the right answers. This way we could see immediate impact on students' knowledge.

We can say they were great. The atmosphere was always fantastic. And the results wonderful.

Then at each school students liked to talk about the meetings, topics, watched the presentations, collages, and then were doing the quizzes. This way they checked their knowledges.

The Quiz - Gegraphical facts

Here is our first quiz about geographical facts. Try to know what did you learn in our project.

Home: Opening Hours
The Quiz - Beauties of Europe


Each school created the presentation about 1 beautiful place of partnership country by the key. Results are published in twinspace and website.

The key: 

  • Hungary about Italy,

  • Italy about Slovakia

  • Slovakia about Spain,

  • Spain about Turkey,

  • Turkey about Hungary


The Quiz - Sights

This quiz was created in the virtual meeting in Turkish school. We have done it directly during meeting to check our knowledge. 

The other students of school can do it after meeting.

Before doing the quiz, you can watch the videos and presentations from this link to learn more about international children's studies.

Click the link below to try it yourself.

Here is our  quiz about historical sights. You can check your own knowledge with this quiz.

Images from our students' quiz experience...

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WhatsApp Image 2021-12-05 at 23.08.36.jpeg

International quiz in Slovakia - Traditions in Europe

All participants were soling the quiz during the virtual meeting and students at schools after meeting. 

During meeting we solved this quiz as the competiton also in the Kahoot. 

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Some photos: 

International quiz "Beauties of Europe"

We played the quiz during the virtual meeting and also after meeting at each school. 

During meeting we solved this quiz as the competition also in the Kahoot. 

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We played Kahoot with all
partners. The Teacher of Spain was the speaker and
He read the questions and the results of each question.


Finally, The winner was a boy
from Italy. He won a T-shirt of
the Erasmus Project.
They received it in Italy meeting physicaly.

International quiz - Famous people
Created and done in the meeting in Italy.
After meeting students were doing this quiz in each school.
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