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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Evaluation questionnaires

Evaluation is very significant tool how to follow the impact, progress and benefit of project to pupils, teachers and school.

We have done the questionnaires about the impact of project twice:

1/ at the end of online education after 4 meetings.  

2/ then at the end of our cooperation.


Here you can see also the results of our survey.

What is the impact on students and teachers

of our schools. 


We checked the improvement of knowledge after each topic usig the quizzes created  - in Kahoot, Wordwall and other portals. All participants soled the quizzes in the meeting and the other students at our schools were doing the quizzes after the meeting.

This way we directly saw the interest and results of our meetings, presentations and all activities.



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