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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of  Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Meeting in Turkey - Teacher's events
Dates: 21 - 23 June 2022
Topic: Funny teaching methods

The meeting was realized from 21st to 23rd June  2022. In Turkey we realized personally only teacher´s training events and the topic was: Funny educaion.  

We had short tour at Turkish school then we talked about educational system in Turkey.
After that we had the seminar talking about funny educational methods at our schools, exchanging experiences, compared some similar methods. 
Each school presented short videos, presentations about funny methods at their schools such as: memory cards, quizzes, games, songs, rhymes using especially for teaching and learning foreign languages.

But we showed each other also various interesting activities used in other subjects such as Physics, Maths, ICT, History, Geography, .... 

In some schools for example pupils are able to create robots with programming some movements, instructions. We were talking a lot about our experiences.

It goes without saying that we mentioned also Erasmusplus and eTwinning projects because we all agreed that these types of projects are great opportunity for different funny activities and games connected with the topics of projects.  We are sure they contributed to the better results of students in education. 

During the meeting we met also with the District Deputy Director of Education and we talked with them about our schools, countries, benefits of this project for pupils, teachers, schools, towns, cities. 
We also realized short excursion in the city Istanbul to know better the history of Turkey. 

The third day we were talking about the final report, what is needed to finish and realize at our schools to achieve all aims of our project and to end our cooperation successfully.

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