Learn about Europe
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
About Project
Project - My country, your country - is aimed at pupils aged 4 - 11 years. The main goal of our project will be that students will know own country and partnership European countries, their geography, history, culture, school system much better.
We want students understand that we all should know our own country and also other countries lying on the continent on which we live.
In this project we will talk about 5 main topics: Geographical facts, Beautiful places, Historic sights,
Traditions and festivals, Famous people.
Students together with teachers will study geography, history, famous persons, traditions, search for
informations in Internet, they will create presentations and films to these topics.
To each topic pupils create short presentations and some artworks: handmade projects We
would like to show to our younger students the look to other European countries with another way,
not only to learn about Europe at the desks, but to travel abroad personally or to meet peers from
Europe in virtual mobilities, videoconferences,... We want to motivate pupils to study independently,
to search for information about the countries of Europe, their geography, history, traditions on the
Internet, to acquire knowledge from presentations, quizzes, games, to create posters, collages and,
in particular, to create their own opinion on the lifestyle, culture and school educational system in
European countries. We will use a big number of funny and interesting methods, various games,
riddles, quizes, songs and painting to achieve the aims of this project and make school subjects and
education more attractive for children. We will also develop the talent of children in Art, Music, sport,
Because of realize some international activities and changing experience we will organize short-term
exchanges of pupils and short-term joint staff training events at partner schools. We would like to
exchange the best and modern practices in educational process of primary subjects. This activities
will be significant not only for children but also for teachers because we will follow and learn some
innovative teaching methods in partnership schools and consequently test them out at our own