Learn about Europe
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

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Beauties of our countries - online activity
Hungarian team got the topic of Costa Smeralda from Italian partner.
Each school created a presentation about 1 beautiful place of partnership country by the key.
Hungary about Italy, Italy about Slovakia, Slovakia about Spain, Spain about Turkey, Turkey about Hungary. The first partner chose the place - resort, sent to the second partner and pupils created the presentation and poster.
We published the results here and also in twinsace of our project:
We prepared three separate project for this topic.
- the 5th graders made a magic box
- the 7th graders made a poster
- the 8th graders made a video
We hope you enjoy watching the videos, as we had a really great time during the project!
Slovakian team got the topic "Costa del Sol" from Spanish partner.
In online activity "Beauties of Europe" we got the task from our Spanish partner to talk about Costa del Sol. We were surfing on the Internet looking for information and pictures and here is our result.
Our pupils created a lot of artworks to show their look at Costa del Sol and Spain. They are also the part of presentation.

Turkey team got the topic of Balaton Lake from Hungary partner.
In online activity "Beauties of Europe" we got the task from our Hungary partner to talk and research about Balaton Lake. We did surf on the Internet looking for information and videos. Finaly we created a present video about Balaton Lake.
Italian team got the topic "Demanovska Dolina" from Slovak partner.
In online activities "Beauties of Europe" we were asked from our Slovak Partner to talk about Demanovska Dolina. We were surfing on the Internet to find pictures and information. This presentation is the result of our work.
Dear Italian team. Thank you for great presentation. Pupils from Slovakia.
Spanish team got topic PAMUKKALE from Turkey partner.
In online activity "Beauties of Europe" we got the task from our Turkey partner to talk about Pamukkale. We did a TV programme. First the students were surfing on the Internet to look for information, after that we did a TV programme, I hope you like it.